This is Divine Shipping Services long established business vertical. The agglomeration of all the shipping service companies. Professional and integrated shipping agency. The array of services offered are niche and unique in terms of customer focus, quality, safety, technology, innovation and professional competence. This has grown in stature in the shipping support service industry, and bench marked in providing a diverse range of services to a host of importers, exporters, owners, charterers.
Divine Shipping Services is acknowledged as the leading port agency efficiently handling a wide assortment of over 100 vessels per annum at Indian ports. They range from from general cargo vessels to dredgers, ships calling for Demolition, offshore and onshore rigs, supply vessels and other flotilla.
The scope of our services comprehensively covers all requirements of the vessel. We offer services to vessels at all major and minor ports on the east and west coasts of India. We offer value-added services as Owners Protective Agents.